As a former fashion and beauty director, I too, have had my share of fashion disasters. However, if this little hiccup becomes a major meltdown, maybe it’s time to rethink your wardrobe. But that’s a story for another post … or several!
How to makeover your wardrobe
More than anything else, I find it frustrating not being able to find the classic basics I need to underpin my wardrobe — the fashion building blocks or wardrobe essentials upon which my look and style is created.
Coco Chanel was against “fashion that didn’t last”. She couldn’t accept that “you throw your clothes away just because it was spring”.
The 10 essentials that every woman needs
As much as I love the on-trend seasonal must-haves, sometimes I just want a simple little black dress. Or a trench coat in that perfect shade of camel that sits just below my knees. Or a pair of court shoes with a fine, elegant heel.
So if you’re also over fashion’s trials and tribulations or simply have nothing to wear, join me in my quest to find what every woman needs for every occasion.
How to look fabulous at 50 and beyond
Ever stylishly yours.
It really becomes a existentialist life crisis when you have nothing to wear!