Should your bag match your shoes?

WHAT EVERY WOMAN NEEDS: Should your bag match your shoes? WHAT EVERY WOMAN NEEDS: Should your bag match your shoes?

MATCHING accessories — once a fashion faux pas — is now a hot new trend. So do you or don’t you? Do you match your bag to your shoes?

Working in the media and especially as a former fashion director, it is often assumed that a “fashion authority” must have a special password into a secret-style society. That you possess some little piece of wisdom that no one else has.

It is also assumed that you are a beacon of knowledge and information on all things sartorial, which gives people the right to ask questions. And ask they do!

Women want to know  “how to” do anything better … but where do I start, the list is endless! How to dress with more dash than cash? How to wear the latest trend? How to wear the hot new colour? Or how to dress like the uber sartorialists?

Should your bag match your shoes?

But two of the most commonly asked questions are: “Should your bag match your shoes?” and “should your accessories match?”

The “art” of co-ordinating an outfit or matching one’s accessories is referred to as “matchy-matchy”. Not an extremely fashionable word or even vaguely academic, but it pretty much sums up the notion of those who conform to matching their bag with their Josef Seibel shoes. Or anything else for that matter.

For years, anybody who dared to be so conservative as to co-ordinate their accessories, let alone their colour schemes, was met with much disdain. It’s a bit like wearing one label head to toe I guess. Well, kind of, but not really. The general consensus — and contemporary dictates of fashion — would answer “no” and “no” to both questions.

“One of the most dramatic fashion about-turns in recent seasons is the trend of co-ordinating accessories”

However, not everyone agrees. Many women — me included — like to match their shoes, bags and accessories as it finishes off an outfit. It looks more polished and complete. It’s the full stop at the end of a sentence.

But it’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind, so that might explain why fashion gets away with being so fickle. Therefore it will come as no surprise that one of the most dramatic fashion about-turns in recent seasons is the trend of coordinating accessories. During recent collections, many designers sent models down the runway in head-to-toe looks — with bags, shoes and outfits all in matching fabrics — reinforcing, or more to the point, highlighting the trend.

WHAT EVERY WOMAN NEEDS: Should your bag match your shoes?

I was in fashion heaven! Not so much about the idea of matching fabric, but more about the validation of my own personal style. This was my “hallelujah” moment because I like to coordinate my accessories (shoes, handbag, glasses, jewellery etc). Some might even argue that I have OCD issues!

For me, fashion — and more importantly, style — is all about coordinating or matching colour and texture with my accessories. If I wear black shoes, my bag and belt will be black, as well as glasses frames and gloves, necklaces and bracelets. And when it comes to textures, I will match patent leather with patent leather, mock croc with mock croc, saffiano leather with saffiano, pony hair with pony hair.

“Every woman needs to build a collection of classic basics;
that way you’ll get a lot more bang for your buck”

However, when it comes to prints and patterns it’s a little different. If you love a print or patterned bag (or shoe), you need to identify the base colour and co-ordinate accordingly. For example, if the primary colour of the patterned bag is red, then wear a plain red shoe. And vice versa.

But I also like to take it a step further. I make sure the hardware — the buttons, buckles and studs — on garments and accessories match as well. I’m a silver person, so I generally opt for silver, steel or platinum finishes.

WHAT EVERY WOMAN NEEDS: Should your bag match your shoes?

Which brings me to another commonly asked question. Can you wear gold and silver jewellery together?

The contemporary dictates of fashion would say “yes”. Me? No. I would never wear a gold watch with silver jewellery, or brass belt buckles if my jacket buttons are silver. See! Told you I had a problem. But yeah! I admit I’m a fan of stylish watches, and I’d rather choose to wear a leather watch with a vintage touch. I avail myself of this Omega watch service.


What every stylish woman knows
How to dress — and play — the leading lady
Master the art of layering

But when all is said and done, most of us can’t afford the luxury of a wardrobe full of matching or coordinating accessories. Not just financially, but the space required to house such a collection.

So the smart money says that every woman needs to build a collection of classic basics; that way you’ll get more bang for your buck. Then rock a statement accessory or two.

But despite whether the fashion world changes its mind again — as it is with most women — I will continue to match my accessories.

Do you like to match your shoes with your bag? Where do you stand on “matchy-matchy” fashion? Do you have a favourite thing to wear? Is this a trend you will follow? Would love to hear what you think. Ever stylishly yours …

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  1. October 16 / 1:26 am

    Matching accessories are a great way to pull a look together. If you are completely clueless when it comes to these, keep staple items and colors on hand so that you'll always be matched perfectly.

  2. October 16 / 9:29 am

    Hi Julia,
    Thanks for your comment. I couldn't agree with you more!
    Goes to the heart of why it is so important to build a wardrobe of good classic basics!
    Enjoy, Anne-Maree

  3. November 10 / 9:34 pm

    Thanks so much for this article, I found it really helpful. I actually found myself typing into google moments before "Should my shoes match my bag" and up came your blog post! I have an upcoming wedding on Saturday (I posted the dress and the shoes I bought on my blog) and found that I have a little handbag the exact same colour as my shoes. But for some reason, in the back of my mind I felt that matching would be a horrible mistake! Just the same way I thought 'Blue and Greens must never be seen', but happily realised the two actually go really well together.

    Anyway, I'm rambling.

    Thanks for this post! Made me feel much much better about matching my shoes to my bag this weekend. What about nail polish as well? Too much? What do you think?

    All the best!

  4. November 11 / 10:24 pm

    Hey Mara,

    Thank you for your comment! So glad you found my advice helpful and you were able to reconcile your concerns about "matching your shoes to your bag".

    Depending on your colour palette, there is no reason why you shouldn't paint your nails in a complementary shade. Particularly pertinent if the base colour of your outfit is red, orange, pink or even black.

    But without knowing what you are wearing (however, I did notice the gorgeous blue/green shoes on your blog), sometimes it's safe – and stylish – to opt for a classic French polish, a simple buff or a nude tone.

    However, whatever your choice, I'm sure you'll look wonderful!!! Have a great weekend and all the best to the married couple!!!

  5. Anonymous
    November 16 / 8:18 am

    Should you wear luggage color shoes with black slacks?

  6. November 16 / 11:09 am

    Hi there Anonymous!
    Thank you for your comment, but I'm not entirely sure what you mean.
    By "luggage colour", do you mean brown? If so, then yes you can wear brown shoes with black slacks. It would look even even better if you had a brown bag as well.
    Hope this helps!
    Regards, Anne-Maree

  7. Anonymous
    January 21 / 12:32 pm

    And "hallelujah" from me too! I have just watched an episode of 'What Not To Wear' where they told one of the girls that you should never match your shoes to your bag. I was completely thrown by it. I have practically lived by this rule, at least since I started to actually think about what I wear which isn't long considering my few short 19 years. I don't even remember why I decided to take this to heart, I'm sure I read it in a magazine somewhere or maybe the internet but still, I have always liked the outcome of 'matchy-matchy' and though I never go so far as to match every single accessory (simply because I'm an extreme 'less-is-more' kind of person, so the less I wear the better. A matter of practicality) I always try to match my shoes and bag, especially if it's a new outfit or a special occasion. So of course, I ran to the internet to read up on as many opinions of this issue as I could and thankfully the majority verdict seems to be "subjective", or as I like to say, "whatever floats your boat" and that's exactly what I love to do when it comes to fashion. Plus, all the other articles and blog posts I read seem to make the bag the focus of attention in this argument but I strongly believe it should be the shoes. And if you don't have a bag to go with them, so what? grab the plainest one you own to wear so that the shoes can be the absolute focus because they deserve it. Clothes only have the "wow factor" when they become an outfit, split them apart and they could be any old dress, skirt, trousers etc. but shoes, well, they could sit on a table and still stun us into delighted silence, as they so often do. So I think I'll stick to my "matchy-matchy" and thank you very much for this post Anne, I was about to have a fashion meltdown :D


  8. January 23 / 7:45 pm

    Hey Sam,
    Thank you for your glowing endorsement! It was lovely to read your post. And your comment "that clothes only have the 'wow factor' when they become an outfit" is so right. It is perfect! So enjoy.

  9. March 17 / 7:49 pm

    Could I know the brand of floral bag and shoes?

  10. Anonymous
    April 27 / 8:46 pm

    I've seen many shows where fashion artist were guest & some concluded your shoes & accessories should NEVER match. I was at an event where I saw a lady with a navy outfit, pink shoes & orange accessories. It waa absolutely GORGEOUS together.

  11. April 29 / 5:30 am

    I, too, am very matchy matchy; (I have touched on the subject in a jewelry post on my blog) so I try to match my bag and shoes whenever possible, and I make sure my handbag hardware, belt, etc. matches with my jewelry. Glad to see I'm not the only one, haha! The mixing metals trend has helped me branch out a little, but even then, I prefer to have a necklace that incorporates both gold and silver if I'm wearing gold and silver rings/bracelets ;)

  12. April 29 / 9:16 pm

    Hey Ange,
    Thank you for for comment! Yes … glad to know I'm not alone!!!!
    But I love that you wear a necklace that incorporates both gold silver allowing you to wear whatever colour jewellery! Great idea.

  13. Anonymous
    May 20 / 11:32 am

    I'm wearing a black and white sundress with a pink sweater to a bridle shower. Any suggestions what color shoes to wear? I thought maybe black shoed and a pink purse but…not after reading the above comments.

  14. May 22 / 8:22 pm

    Hi there,
    If you wish to wear black shoes and a pink purse, you can. It doesn't really matter what I or anyone else thinks or says. Wear whatever makes you feel happy and comfortable.
    So enjoy the bridal shower!

  15. Anonymous
    May 26 / 4:23 pm

    Please what kind of sheo and bag colour can macth a drees with green and crime colour

  16. Kamsdaddy
    May 28 / 9:53 pm

    I brought my wife a red handbag and a wallet, she is upset because I didn't buy shoes to match. I told her she can wear a black dress and black shoes. Was this wrong? I think the bag is hard to match anyway. Advice please

  17. June 16 / 12:34 pm

    Hi there,
    Thank you for reading my blogpost and asking the question.
    My first choice, without seeing the dress, would be trying to match the green or the crimson in the dress.
    Crimson or a hot fuschia pink is quite big right now, so maybe you could try pink shoes and bag,
    If it becomes too hard to find the right colour pink or green, you can never go wrong with black shoes and a matching black bag.

  18. June 16 / 12:37 pm

    Hey Kamsdaddy,
    What a wonderful husband you are! Red handbag and a matching red wallet! I'm very impressed.
    Yes, red shoes would have been great, but you can't always get what you want when you want it. I have no doubt, that one day, you or your wife will find a pair of red shoes that will match.
    However, in the meantime, yes of course your wife can wear a black dress and black shoes. It will be more than okay.
    Enjoy and thank you for reading my blog post.

  19. Anonymous
    June 23 / 2:06 am

    Hello! That was a lovely post to read :)
    I wanted to ask for your opinion on something: i'm thinking about buying a short royal blue dress, almost purple, and pair it with some nude heels. Now, the dress comes with a neon yellow belt that I love and also want to wear. Should my purse be the same colour as the belt? Or should I go for a more neutral, shoe-matching colour? Thank you so much, keep up the fantastic work!

  20. June 23 / 1:09 pm

    Hi there Anonymous!
    Thank you for reading that post and asking for my opinion.
    You have two options.
    ONE: Going nude. If you already have a nude-coloured purse that matches your shoes, then that would be perfect. But if you don't, finding one will be relatively easy. It's a classic colour and if you choose a fairly plain, basic style, you'll get years of use and wear out of it, thus making it a real investment.
    TWO: Going neon-yellow. This is also OK, but a neon-yellow purse might be harder to find. If you have the time and inclination to search for one, then go for it. But remember, that while a neon yellow purse might be on-trend now, it may not be next year or the year after that, therefore limiting it's wearability.
    Personally, I would go a nude-coloured purse.
    Trust you'll make the right decision.

  21. June 23 / 1:14 pm

    Hi there Anonymous,
    Thank you for your comment, and I have to add there are no rules to match or not to match. It comes down to personal opinion. I have no doubt that the woman in the navy outfit, pink shoes and orange accessories would have looked amazing.
    Cheers, Anne-Maree

  22. July 20 / 8:41 pm

    Hello Anne-Maree,

    Thank you for your post. I also stumbled across your post upon googling matching bag with shoes. Thank you for enlightening and confusing me lol.

    I have purchased these gorgeous shoes ( for a garden wedding this spring and as I prefer flat shoes and jeans, I am stumped as to what colour dress and bag to get. I was thinking pale pink dress and purple bag but I'm probably way off?

    Would you have any suggestions?

  23. July 20 / 10:22 pm

    Hey Megan,

    Thank you for reading this post and asking for my opinion. But I"m sorry if after reading it, that you felt confused!
    I love the shoes! Perfect for a spring garden wedding.

    You could actually wear anything with them, because of all the colours. However, I would suggest something plain.

    Your suggestion of a pale pink dress with a purple bag would be just fine. But a bag that matched the dress would be even better. Or even a plain black bag.

    At the end of the day, you have to be comfortable whatever you choose.
    Im sure you'll look fantastic on the day!


  24. Anonymous
    February 11 / 4:03 pm

    Nice article. Had fun reading all the comments too. I also strongly believe that there is no do's n dont's in fashion. When you are done, you should like what you see in the mirror. I usually match everything only if i want the color of the outfit to be the center of attention. Like the lovely brown picture you have up there. If i buy a new accessory like a bag or earrings, i will wear them with unmatched outfits that just have a speck of that color so that the accessory stands out.

    Do you have any idea about different style jeans for different figures? I havent found a good read yet.


  25. February 11 / 9:25 pm

    Hi Charanya,

    Thank you for dropping by!
    You are absolutely right about "do's and don'ts". At the end of the day, you – and only you – have to be comfortable in what you are wearing.
    You are also fine to let your accessories "shine" or "stand out". And why not! They don't necessarily have to match anything else. As long as you have the confidence, you can wear anything you want.
    As for a jeans post, I don't have anything planned right now. But seeing as you've asked for it, I will deliver. But I can't promise exactly when. I'll try and get one up soon. If you subscribe, you won't miss out!


  26. Anonymous
    May 14 / 1:55 pm

    Thanks for posting this, such great observations by You and Your readers, I am going to a wedding in June in Belize (Garden Casual), I bought a lovely vintage pink dress with a silver belt and wasn't sure if I should wear silver shoes to match the belt, but now I feel confident it will tie it all together magnificently

  27. May 14 / 10:24 pm

    Hello there,
    Thank you for dropping by and reading my post and everyone's comments!
    A wedding in Belize! How wonderful.
    Your vintage pink dress with a silver belt sounds absolutely beautiful. And yes, silver shoes would be just perfect!
    Enjoy the wedding!

  28. June 8 / 4:50 am

    Hi i have a black jump suit with yellow and coral on it, i want to pair with yellow wedges but only have a lemon clutch. Will this do or should i go for a black clutch ? X

  29. June 11 / 9:38 pm

    Hi May,
    Thanks for dropping by!
    Jumpsuit are very on-trend at the moment! Sounds like fun.
    Of course your lemon clutch will work, especially if you wear yellow wedges. It also sounds quite summery.
    However, a black clutch is a wardrobe staple, so would be just as suitable.
    I'm sure you'll make the right decision.
    Enjoy, Anne-Maree

  30. September 13 / 9:18 pm

    My daughter keeps telling me that it is 'wrong' to match my shoes and purse. I happen to love my collection of matching shoes & purses!! I go to great lengths to find an odd colour pair of shoes or an unusual colour purse and then make a matching set. I think it is so fun. My clothes are neutral loose fitting casual stuff.

  31. September 14 / 2:11 pm

    Hi there Unknown,
    Good for you and your collection of matching shoes and purses!
    I know not everyone agrees with this school of thought, but it always looks so polished.
    And if your wardrobe is made up mainly of neutrals, you could have a lot of fun with colour!
    Also, thank you for dropping by and leaving your thoughts!

  32. Anonymous
    November 29 / 3:19 am

    If I for example have a pink dress … and I wear black bracelets and ear rings .. what colour bag and footwear should I use ?

  33. November 30 / 8:49 am

    Hi there,
    Thank you for dropping by!
    I would suggest you wear black shoes and a black bag.
    If it's winter where you are, perhaps choose a black pump.
    But for summer, go for strappy black heels.

  34. November 30 / 8:49 am

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. Anonymous
    December 1 / 11:50 am

    Appreciated your article. At 70+,I find that styles have changed as far as wedding guest attire. Somewhat blew it in Nov and now my eldest grandson is marrying in 2 weeks. I am wearing a navy long gown. What should I do about shoes and purse? I have a rather large selection "on loan" from dept stores.Found a navy clutch with silver hardware and an equally lovely pewter one. Recently read that the matching blue leather pumps I just purchased would be passe. Should I look for pewter/dull silver shoes? Or do you have a different suggestion? Earrings will either be blue stone in silver setting or blue stone/cz. So delighted to see you are still answering posts.(Dress has a few almost invisible sequins on the bodice and a full flowing skirt.) I like to look quietly stylish. Thank you. Gail

  36. December 2 / 9:44 pm

    Hi there Gail,
    Thanks for dropping by!
    Wow, a wedding in two weeks.
    Your long navy gown sounds absolutely gorgeous; very stylish!
    But I think trying to match with navy shoes might be tricky. Navy can be a hard colour to match as there are so many different dye lots of navy that it can be hard to match.
    So I would agree with you and suggest an elegant silver shoe that matches the silver hardware on your navy clutch would be perfect!
    Alternatively, a pewter clutch and pewter shoes would also be good.
    Also, your jewellery sounds beautiful. Blue stone earrings in a silver setting – perfect!
    The key to success is simplicity and elegant sophistication.
    So go and enjoy your wedding! You'll be a star.

  37. Anonymous
    December 4 / 1:04 pm

    Thanks so much for your response, Anne-Maree, as well as your blog addressing this issue.
    I'm all set- found a perfect pair of pewter shoes to match the clutch.(A little higher than I had hoped but will make me stand tall.) Keep up the good advise.

  38. February 2 / 7:19 pm

    Hi i really loved your post, i really wish to match my shoes with my hand bags.. i even have 5 pairs of hand bags and matching shoes (basic colours, white, red,blue,black,nude) just a little unsure.. is that okey to style like that in office space.. though i am a freelancer but for basic meetings and all?? regards

  39. February 2 / 7:26 pm

    again asking this question as i don't find much girls around me following this matching-matching trend. will it look old fashioned?? regards

  40. Anonymous
    February 3 / 9:14 pm

    Should bag, neckpiece and heels match on a plain black dress. What all can vary?

  41. February 4 / 7:41 am

    HI there Wordsmith,
    Thanks for dropping by!
    Glad to find another colleague who likes to match their shoes and bags!
    Of, course you can wear your matching shoes and handbags in the office!
    You will look very polished and complete. Also its no too old fashioned!!!!
    So enjoy,

  42. February 4 / 7:48 am

    Hi there Anonymous,
    Absolutely, you can match (or co-ordinate) your bag and heels with a similar style necklace!
    However, if you wish to vary you can. But I would suggest that your shoes and bag should match before anything else.
    Every stylishly yours,

  43. February 21 / 8:23 pm

    Hi Anne-Maree,

    Thank you so much for opening my eyes with this article. As a 32 y/o male, I really can't say I know too much about woman's fashion, especially not the trends.

    I do notice when some changes are happening though. Whether to my approval or disapproval. Usually I like to exchange my thoughts about them with girls/ladies. However, I believe that I have always been able to recognize and understand style and class. Thoughtful and tasteful matching of colors was certainly a part of it, if you asked me. To my surprise, until reading this article I had absolutely no idea that matching colors of accessories was some kind of a big NO in woman's fashion. I really thought it's almost a rule of better taste if some woman matched her shoes with her bag or another accessory. When it comes to men, rules are much stricter and it's a must. At least I believe so.

    I came across this article while trying to google out what could my mother possibly pair with a bag I have ordered for her yesterday online. After I have already payed and placed the order, I figured out that the photo on the web shop wasn't showing the real color of the bag. True, the text stated "magnolia" color, which I took as a free interpretation of something that looked like ivory or eggshell to me, a color my mother could easily match with many of her garments. For the reference:×1200/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/f/u/furla-39943_q9a9993_4_.jpg

    Unfortunately, my doubt in the stated text turned out to be reasonable. Googling out a bit revealed that the Furla Kelis bag, that was already on the way to my mothers address, truly is in that pastel, pale-pinkish "magnolia" color:

    I have a strong belief that my mother will not like the color of this bag, but won't be honest telling me so. Since it's a present from me for the Mothers Day, I am sure that she will rather keep it as it is, than to return it and choose something else. And honestly, I have no idea what from her wardrobe could be paired with that color, except some summer, sporty and casual garments she is wearing.

    Dear Anne-Marie, heaving read this article and few other from your Blog, really assured me in your opinion. What would you suggest to pair with that bag in case she decides to keep it?

    Thanks in advance,

  44. February 23 / 7:23 pm

    Hi Ivica,

    Lovely to hear from you. It's great to know that men are also sartorially inclined!
    Yes, I agree with you, matching colours is a rule of good taste. Just like dressing well is a form of good manners.

    Now to your mother's Furla handbag. It's beautiful and a quality Italian product.

    I can understand your frustration. The inability to see the true colour of any product, just like the issue of fit and feel, is something online will never be able to properly address.

    However, all is not lost. Pastel or pale pink is quite lovely — and is particularly for a more mature woman. Perhaps not a classic tone in the realm of bone or ivory, but pastel pink is close enough to nude.

    In fact, Pantone just announced their colours of the year for 2016 — rose quartz and serenity blue. Two beautiful colours. So I feel perhaps that the bag and the colour is very on-trend.
    (read here …

    I'm not sure what hemisphere you and your mother live in, but she will be able to wear the bag with black, navy and charcoal grey pieces in the cooler months. And with white, pale grey and other brights in summer. It's a colour that can work equally for elegant and smart casual.

    It might be hard to find a matching shoe, but you never know — someone somewhere will do a pale pink shoe, particularly now in light of the Pantone colours of the year announcement.

    However, there is nothing wrong with your mother just wearing the bag as a statement piece. As long as what she's wearing and her other accessories are one colour.

    I hope this comes as some comfort and your mother enjoys her new purchase.

    Ever stylishly yours,

  45. May 29 / 12:03 pm

    Hi there! Great blog post.
    I have just recently bought a navy dress in a very classic style for a 21st and I bought a black bag to go with it. I was planning to wear black shoes but they make the outfit look like a work outfit, not a party one. I was thinking of getting nude strappy heels but would those clash with the black bag? Please help!

  46. May 29 / 12:28 pm

    Hey Hannah,
    Thanks for dropping by!
    A 21st sounds like fun!
    Personally I would wear black shoes to match a black bag. But for a party I would choose a sexy strappy pair. Do you have some sexy heels?
    However, nude shoes are great to wear back with navy, but I would suggest a nude or neutral-coloured bag.
    But if you must use a black bag, maybe choose a smaller clutch style.
    Enjoy the party.

  47. June 9 / 6:49 am

    I like the continuity of a nude shoe and the effect it has of elongating the leg. My personal favorite is blending the shoe to the hemline–always classic! Then, I choose a bag that serves as a complementary accent to the ensemble. Gina.

    the leg.

    • Anne-Maree
      July 11 / 6:44 pm

      Hi Gina,
      Thanks for dropping by.
      I also love how a nude shoe elongates the leg!
      I also love your idea of matching your shoe to the hemline. It is very classic and old school, and allows you to choose a bag as a complementary accent. The same idea can be applied to men matching their socks to their hemline.
      Ever stylishly yours … AMGx

  48. Barbara
    August 10 / 7:58 pm

    Going to wedding have black dress green shoes and green clutch bag what jewellery should l wear

    • Anne-Maree
      August 10 / 8:16 pm

      Hey Barbara,
      Thanks for dropping by.
      The green shoes and clutch bag sound fantastic! Colours you don’t see that often.
      Without knowing the neckline of the dress, or the style, I’d suggest an amazing statement necklace that has complementary black and green stones. Alternatively look for a plain black or green necklace.
      Not a necklace person? Then look for large cuffs in black or green resin or plastics. Maybe even a statement drop earring in black resin or plastics. Italian designer Angela Caputi does some great ones. As does Australian brand Dinosaur Designs.
      Failing that, keep it simple and go with either gold or silver … depending on your skin tone.
      But whatever your choice, enjoy yourself!
      Ever stylishly yours,

  49. September 10 / 12:11 am

    I’m really inspired with your writing abilities and also with the layout
    to your weblog. Is that this a paid theme or did you modify it yourself?
    Anyway keep up the nice quality writing, it’s uncommon to look a nice weblog like this one these days..

    • Anne-Maree
      September 25 / 12:00 pm

      Hi There,
      Thank you for your kind words.
      And yes, it is a paid theme from Pipdig. But I modified it within the limits of the theme.

  50. Coralee
    December 11 / 9:12 pm

    I have just found this and want to say thank you!! Love the advice on shoes and bags, and agree with the no mixed metals. If I love a jacket that has gold buttons I usually go buy silver versions immediately and change them, I don’t wear gold.
    I’m looking forward to following you.

    • Anne-Maree
      December 13 / 8:27 pm

      Thanks for dropping by Coralee!
      You sound like me. I, too, will swap out gold buttons for silver ones.
      I hope you enjoy reading some of my other posts.
      Merry Christmas to you and your family, and hope that 2018 brings everything you wish for.

  51. January 1 / 11:36 pm

    Wow !!! great articles about awareness and acceptance of aging. Congratulations !!!
    I have allowed myself to share your article on the site of my blog.

    Best wishes

    • Anne-Maree
      January 3 / 7:52 pm

      Hey Irena,
      Happy new year! And thanks for dropping by.
      I’m more than happy for you to use my copy, as long as you link back to my site.
      All the best for 2018,

  52. June 28 / 7:25 pm

    Hello Anne Maree,

    I would rather say it is more about the composition of the entire look – colors which flawlessly swap in particular theme. However, fiddling with colors can be an act of courage and finding an unassuming look might be a piece of art.
    OMG, I was wearing purple shoes and matching belt with sapphire python bag when we met last Saturday.
    You must have thought I am cheeky!

    Kind regards,

    • Anne-Maree
      June 29 / 5:16 pm

      Hey Dora!
      Thanks for dropping by.
      No, I didn’t think you were cheeky when I met you last weekend.
      Yes, trying out different style options does take courage, but the key is to “own” your personal style and wear with pride.
      Look forward to coffee one day.

  53. Eveline Pranata
    October 23 / 11:13 am

    Dear Anne-Maree,
    Thank you for your article.
    I also believe in matchy-matchy. So far my collections have been all black so they are easy to match.
    I have recently branched out to nude/beige and grey.
    My question is about how critical it is to match the nude shoes with the nude handbag. Unlike black, nude has many different tones… pinkish, beige, etc etc. I am of the opinion that they should be within the same tone, i.e. pinkish nude shoes with pinkish nude handbag, not for example with nude beige handbag. What do you think? If you have the same opinion…. my challenge would be to find the handbags to match the shoes… as I do most of my shopping online. First world problem.
    Thanking you in advance.
    Meanwhile I will keep reading….

  54. Isabelle Brillant
    May 13 / 8:28 pm

    Yes, I do like to match my accessories and I’ve always been complimented as being chic despite me hearing Cristina Cordula repeating everyday that it is not modern to do so, so Im glad I came across your article to know that I am not completely mad to think otherwise!! thanks!

    • Anne-Maree
      June 8 / 10:38 am

      You’re not alone Isabelle.
      So glad to hear another “style sister” who adheres to the mantra of matching accessories! Stay chic!

  55. Rachel
    January 19 / 8:55 pm


    Would you match an ivory colored leather purse with ivory nubuck suede boots, even though they are different textures? And, vice versa would you pair an ivory colored suede bag with ivory leather boots?

    • Anne-Maree
      January 26 / 2:19 pm

      Hey Rachel,
      Thanks for dropping by!
      My preference is always to try and match textures – if possible. But failing that, matching colour is your next best choice.
      Unfortunately, not all designers make matching accessories. In fact, for me, there’s nothing more frustrating than finding a fabulous pair of shoes/bag/belt in an unusual colour/leather/fabric/finish and the designer didn’t make the complementary shoes/bag/belt etc. It’s a great bugbear of mine.
      Oh well … I can only live in hope!

  56. Ally McBeagle
    August 21 / 8:54 am

    New to this site; I happened upon this article (one link led to another then to another,,,you understand, I’m sure) and find that I cannot tell the year it was authored. Although, I argue with myself it doesn’t matter, I have some OCD about it. I am 65 soon to be 66 and was raised in the age of matching shoes and handbags (and gloves and hats, also). So I’d love to know if in 2021 you still have the same opinions on matching.

    And what does one do regarding wedding rings? Mine are silver now (originals were gold) and rose gold and I love and own a lot of gold jewelry. I have gotten ok with mixing, adding a bit of silver into my gold jewelry so I don’t clash with my rings but would still love to know your thoughts.

    Thank you!

    • Anne-Maree
      August 26 / 4:00 pm

      Hey Ally,
      Thanks for dropping by!
      Yes, my opinions about matching shoes and handbags etc haven’t changed! Even in 2021.
      When it comes to rings, personally I prefer that the base metal are all the same tone – for me that’s silver/white gold or platinum.
      However, you could mix it up a bit and throw caution to the wind with other accessories. Say, a silver bracelet with a few gold ones, or gold watch with silver bracelets.
      Hope this helps.

    • Anne-Maree
      September 12 / 4:27 pm

      Hey Ally,
      I’m a bit late to this now.
      I apologise that there is no date on the post. But most of my content is “evergreen”, meaning that my views and advice are timeless.
      So, yes, I still have the same opinions regarding matching shoes and handbags etc.
      As for your wedding rings, I’m not going to suggest you completely change up your jewellery.
      Mixing them up is fine … but maybe stick to one colour with the rest of your accessories.
      All the best,

  57. Colleen
    September 10 / 11:39 pm

    I have a grey sequined knee length dress with a v neck line long sleeves What color jewelry, purse and shoes should I wear? I desperate for help

    Thank you,

    • Anne-Maree
      September 12 / 11:56 am

      Hey Colleen,

      Thanks for dropping by and thanks for your question.

      However, I’m afraid that depending on your budget and when and where you intend to wear the sequinned dress, there are a couple of answers.
      Classic black or navy shoes (leather for day, or satin for evening) and a matching black or navy handbag or purse (again, leather for day or satin for evening) would be perfectly fine.

      But, if you have silver evening sandals/shoes and matching silver evening purse in your wardrobe, then personally, I would choose them instead.

      As for jewellery, I would suggest silver – regardless of your shoe and bag combination.

      Hope this helps.
      Best, Anne-Maree

  58. Rena Novak
    December 2 / 7:00 am

    I an going to a Cocktail party. I do have a Velveteen Dress (black) and black suede boots with tights. Accessories are gold (necklace and bangle bracelets) my purse is a small black purse (leather) with a gold chain strap Michael Kors. Is that ok?

    • Anne-Maree
      December 23 / 2:31 pm

      Hey Rena,
      Sounds fantastic! Enjoy.
      Regards, Anne-Maree

  59. Gael Damianakis
    January 29 / 12:00 am

    I like to do both depending on my mood. Sometimes I like to match, sometimes I don’t. Either can work as long as you put thought into it. Not matching means you insert something unexpected and delightful at times. At other times, I want everything to match. I don’t think you have to follow one particular rule as long as whatever the rule you’re following makes people sit up and take notice in a good way. When it comes to metals and jewellery, sometimes I will wear all silver and all gold and other times I will mix my metals, it really depends on the look I’m trying to achieve. Having said all this I’m pretty eclectic in my style so perhaps that’s why I’m like this. If I’m feeling super classic then I want to be matchy matchy but if I’m feeling experimental I want to introduce some unexpected colour combinations. I will continue to do both as long as it works.

    • Anne-Maree
      February 1 / 1:28 pm

      Hey Gael,
      Thanks for your input! I love that you are flexible and like to mix it up!
      My advice isn’t set in stone; it’s more of a guide.
      But I love how you like to take a risk.
      Enjoy and keep the faith!

  60. June 18 / 10:17 am

    Your blog is an inspiration for those seeking personal growth and self-improvement.

    • Anne-Maree
      June 19 / 11:03 am

      Thank you.

  61. Carolyn
    July 8 / 4:27 pm


  62. Inger Palmer
    August 22 / 5:15 pm

    I’m going to mother of the bride in about 2 weeks.
    My dress is a Wine/ burgundy colour that longish, I have a black little jacket to cover the arms.
    I have an only worn once, tan shoes and matching clutch.( I have been told not to have 3 colours)
    1 – would that all go together as I have limited funds.
    2- what if I had a black clutch and still wore the tan shoes?..
    3- I was going to have silver jewellery as I’m a silver person.

    • Anne-Maree
      September 19 / 12:33 pm

      Hi Inger,
      Considering you have limited funds, I think your best option would be the tan shoes and matching clutch. I wouldn’t suggest a black clutch with tan shoes.
      And the little black jacket to cover the arms and silver jewellery sounds perfect!

  63. Galagal
    November 5 / 2:34 pm

    Hello and thanks for your blog.
    What are your suggestions to accessorize a silver and black
    Long v-neck gown?

    Thanks for your feedback.

    • Anne-Maree
      November 13 / 2:15 pm

      Hi there,
      The classic choice would always be black! And I more than likely would go for black,
      However, if you have silver shoes, a silver evening purse/bag, and you have nice weather, then I would go silver. It’s always lovely for a change>
      Hope this helps.

  64. November 29 / 8:53 am

    I always believe that accessories should complement each other and add to the overall look, so matching my shoes with my bag is important for me!

    • Anne-Maree
      December 6 / 12:11 pm

      I concur!
      Thanks for dropping by.

    December 1 / 2:42 pm

    ALL this time while pther fashionable women we’re mixing Bags & Shoes I continued to do what i love and that is matching all leathers!! Buying the best with no aplologies!! My mom in her late 70′ telling me on the phone to stop that it ages you by ten years!! I didn’t care!! My best friend ask me what was in style and I explained matchy-matchy to her. A few months later she said I otice you always match but you told me not to for the in fashion look. I did but this matching is something I do just for me!! Makes me comfrtable!! Even if I drive my poor mom crazy!! Of curse when I found out earlier that it’s back in style she said she didn’t care she would be!! Becaue that’s her prefence!! So it finally comes out!!!

  66. February 19 / 11:08 am

    I loved this post! It’s so true that matching your bag with your shoes can elevate an outfit, but I appreciate the reminder that it’s not always necessary to be perfectly coordinated. Sometimes, a pop of color or an unexpected mix can make a statement. Great tips!

  67. March 16 / 2:27 pm

    I loved this post! I used to think that my bag absolutely had to match my shoes, but now I see that it’s more about finding a balance and expressing my personal style. Mixing and matching can create such a unique look! Thanks for the tips!

  68. March 18 / 7:15 pm

    I love this discussion! I’ve always believed that matching your bag and shoes can elevate an outfit, but it’s also fun to mix things up for a unique look. It really depends on the occasion and personal style! Thanks for sharing these insights!